Exploration Rover Robot

  • Category: Robotics
  • Competition: IESL RoboGames 2019
  • Project date: December, 2019

  • Arduino Raspberry Pi Python OpenCV

This is an autonomous robot developed to imitate the behavior of a Mars exploration rover. Its purpose was to find a black box of a crashed satellite on an uneven surface by following arrows. It consists of a camera and uses OpenCV to detect arrows and boundaries in order to plan its path.

This project secured the 1st place in the university category of IESL RoboGames 2019 held at the Techno 2019 exhibition.

About IESL RoboGames

"IESL RoboGames" is an annual competition organized by the Information Technology and Communications Engineering Sectional Committee of the Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka in collaboration with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, with the objective of promoting and recognizing the talents and skills of the next generation of professionals. The competition will be held in two categories; School Category and Undergraduate Category. For the school category there will be a series of workshops and awareness programs held in order to introduce the concept of robotics into school's educational activities. This will provide an opportunity to promote their creativity and improve their learning efficiency, encouraging them to be future engineers and inventors.